Gramicci London Store
We’re proud to announce the opening of our first ever shop. Over 40 years after we first got started, we’ve thrown open the doors of the Gramicci store on Earlham Street in the heart of London’s Covent Garden.
Split over two floors, the store features our full range of functional everyday outdoor gear—from mainstays like our G-Pants and G-Shorts to recent collaborations with brands like Adsum, Salomon and F/CE—along with a few exclusives you won’t find anywhere else. It's also home to The Gramicci Library a fully-functioning in-store library stocked with over 100 climbing guide-books covering the whole of the UK.
Taking inspiration from our rock-climbing roots, we enlisted some of our friends in the outdoor community to help with the design. Those striking geometric fixtures were designed by climbing wall manufacturers Kong Climbing whilst Soft Rock provided a series of bespoke installations to bring a feel of the natural world to London. Oh yeah, and those curtains were crafted out of old, well-worn Gramicci gear by Greater Goods.
If you’re looking for Gramicci gear, then this is the place to find it. We hope to see you soon.
Visit Us
3 Earlham St
Seven Dials
Opening Times
Monday - Saturday
10.30am - 6.30pm
11am - 5pm